Should you ever face a problem with your site and be unable to solve it on your own, ask the respective web hosting company’s technical support staff to help you get the website back online. A timely solution would be the most optimal scenario, but lots of hosting companies answer within 24 hours and even more, particularly if you’re doing business with a hosting reseller. Even if the problem can be solved quickly, your site may not work satisfactorily or may not be available at all for an extended period, so you may lose prospective customers because it’s rather unlikely that anyone will willingly go back to a broken website. Therefore, you need to make sure not only that you can touch base with your hosting company, but also that they can answer and assist you in a timely fashion. If a software app update does not go smoothly or if you erase something by chance, for instance, the website should be restored speedily in order to avoid long unavailability.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Web Hosting

Our guaranteed maximum reply time for any helpdesk ticket that you post or any email that you send is just 1 hour, even in case you contact us on weekends and legal holidays. Whatever the nature of your issue or question might be, we will lend you a hand right away and will provide you with the required information to solve any problem with your websites. The actual response time usually doesn’t surpass fifteen to twenty minutes, so you can forget about waiting for hours on end to get a problem sorted out or what is even worse – waiting one whole day only to receive a reply that more info is required whilst nothing is sorted out. We’ll offer you assistance at once simply because we understand how precious time can be in the dynamic digital world. The 60-minute reply guarantee is valid for any billing or technical question that you might have connected with our web hosting.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

With a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you can take advantage of our ultra-fast support services. You will get a response to any trouble ticket opened via the web hosting Control Panel or e-mail sent to our client and technical support team in less than an hour. The response time is guaranteed and it is valid irrespective of the issue – technical or billing. It often takes considerably less time to examine and resolve a problem. We’ll provide you with more information in case the solution entails something that needs to be done on your end. If you get in touch with us during weekends or national holidays, the response time will be the same and considering that our support staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you’ll get prompt assistance for virtually any technical, general or billing issue irrespective of what time it is.