Data corruption is the unintended transformation of a file or the losing of info which usually occurs during reading or writing. The reason may be hardware or software fail, and as a consequence, a file can become partially or fully corrupted, so it'll no longer function correctly because its bits shall be scrambled or lacking. An image file, for instance, will no longer present an authentic image, but a random mix of colors, an archive will be impossible to unpack since its content will be unreadable, etc. In the event that this kind of an issue occurs and it is not recognized by the system or by an admin, the data will be corrupted silently and when this happens on a disk drive that's a part of a RAID array where the information is synchronized between various different drives, the corrupted file will be copied on all the other drives and the damage will become permanent. A large number of commonly used file systems either don't have real-time checks or do not have good ones that will detect a problem before the damage is done, so silent data corruption is a common problem on internet hosting servers where large volumes of data are stored.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Web Hosting

In case you host your sites in a web hosting account with our firm, you will not need to worry about your data ever getting damaged. We can guarantee that as our cloud hosting platform uses the amazing ZFS file system. The latter is the only file system that uses checksums, or unique digital fingerprints, for each and every file. All of the information that you upload will be kept in a RAID i.e. simultaneously on a number of NVMes. A lot of file systems synchronize the files between the different drives using this type of a setup, but there's no real guarantee that a file won't get corrupted. This can happen throughout the writing process on any drive and afterwards a bad copy may be copied on the other drives. What makes the difference on our platform is that ZFS compares the checksums of all files on all the drives immediately and in case a corrupted file is discovered, it's substituted with a good copy with the correct checksum from another drive. In this way, your data will continue to be undamaged no matter what, even if a whole drive fails.

No Data Corruption & Data Integrity in Semi-dedicated Servers

Your semi-dedicated server account will be shielded from silent data corruption since all of our storage servers use the efficient ZFS file system. What makes the aforementioned unique is that it uses checksums, or digital identifiers, to guarantee the integrity of each and every file. When you upload content to your account, it will be placed on several redundant drives working in a RAID i.e. the files will be the same on all disks. All copies of a specific file will have the same checksum on all drives and ZFS will compare the checksums of the duplicates right away, and if it discovers a mismatch, that would indicate that one of the copies is corrupted, it will swap that file with a healthy copy from one of the other drives. Even if there is a sudden power failure, the data on the servers will not be corrupted and there will not be any need for a time-consuming system check which other file systems perform after some failure, prolonging the time needed for the server to get back online. ZFS is the only file system which can truly protect your content from silent data corruption.