SSL Certificate Generator in Web Hosting
Given that SSL certificates are among the services which we offer along with our web hosting plans, you're able to obtain an SSL for any site hosted in an account on our end with just a few clicks. Furthermore, we have an auto-installer instrument, so after you approve the order via e-mail, our system will set everything up for you and it'll install the certificate, the CSR and the 2 private keys. Shortly after that, you will be able to visit your site with https:// and any information submitted on it will be secured, which means that no unauthorized people can intercept it. When you have chosen some other SSL service provider, you can only generate a Certificate Signing Request in your account on our end together with the unique private key, then save the CSR code and submit it to the other service provider.
SSL Certificate Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers
You are able to generate a new Certificate Signing Request along with a Private Key for any site that you host inside a semi-dedicated server account with us through the SSL generator tool that's available in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You just need to type in the SSL contact and administrative information and the two codes will be generated and available in your account all of the time even if you don't save them right away. Since we offer SSL certificates, you'll be able to obtain one from our company and during the CSR generation you can use the auto-configuration option which we provide, and then proceed with the order. In this way, you won't have to deal with anything else afterwards since our system will set up the SSL for you after it's issued. To use an alternative certificate vendor, you need to save the CSR and give it to them, and then install the SSL that they will give you. Our tech support team will be available 24/7 in case you experience any difficulties with that.